White Dried Apple

Packaging : 5kg


HMD’s dried apples are high quality apples from local farms. The whole drying processes is natural and without any additives or preservatives.
This delicious product is provided in 2 types: Ring and chopped.
Our dried apple which is FSSC 22000 Approved quality is an excellent source of vitamins, fiber and minerals specially potassium and iron.
It is a tasty portable healthy snack which can also be used in kitchen for different kind of dishes.
All kind of microbiological, chemical, physical items are tested on this product by our Quality experts and ISO 17025 Accredited laboratory in Iran and overseas.
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  • Good for Weight Loss
    • Apples are high in fiber and water: two qualities that make them filling. Researchers think that apples are more filling because they’re less energy- dense, yet still deliver fiber and volume. Furthermore, some natural compounds in them may promote weight loss.
  • Good for Heart
    • Apples have been linked to a lower risk of heart disease. Apples contain soluble fiber, the kinds that can help lower the blood cholesterol levels.
    • They also contain polyphenols, which have antioxidant effects. Many of these are concentrated in the peel. One of these polyphenols is the flavonoid epicatechin, which may lower blood pressure.
    • Flavonoids can help prevent heart disease by lowering blood pressure, reducing “bad” LDL oxidation, and acting as antioxidants.
  • Linked to a Lower Risk of Diabetes
    • The polyphenols in apples (Dried apples) help prevent tissue damage to beta cells in the pancreas. Beta cells produce insulin in the body and are often damaged in people with type 2 diabetes.
  • They Have Prebiotic Effects and Promote Good Gut Bacteria
    • Dried Apples contain pectin, a type of fiber that acts as a prebiotic. This means it feeds the good bacteria in your gut.
    • Your small intestine doesn't absorb fiber during digestion. Instead, it goes to your colon, where it can promote the growth of good bacteria. It also turns into other helpful compounds that circulate back through your body .
  • Substances in Apples May Help Prevent Cancer
    • Test-tube studies have shown a link between plant compounds in apples and a lower risk of cancer .
    • Scientists believe that their antioxidant and anti-inflammatory effects may be responsible for their potential cancer-preventive effects.
  • Apples Contain Compounds That Can Help Fight Asthma
    • Antioxidant-rich apples may help protect your lungs from oxidative damage.
    • Apple skin contains the flavonoid quercetin, which can help regulate the immune system and reduce inflammation. These are two ways in which it may affect asthma and allergic reactions.
  • Apples are good for Bone Health
    • Eating dried apple is linked to higher bone density, which is a marker of bone health. Researchers believe that the antioxidant and anti-inflammatory compounds in fruit may help promote bone density and strength.

Nutrition Facts

Principle Nutrient Value/100g Unit
Energy 295 Kcal
Carbohydrates 65.1 g
Protein 2.19 g
Saturated Fat 0 g
Trans Fat g
Total Fat 0.73 g
Sugars 65.1 g
Cholesterol 0 mg
Dietary Fiber 11.7 g
Sodium 87 mg
Potassium mg
Calcium mg